Agricultural Department

Department 15
Bruce Steelman, Superintendent

Amy Clevenger, Meddena Green, Donny Ogle, Kathy Ogle, Katie Taylor, Joseph Taylor, Lynn Brown,
Clayton Brown, Claudia Norman, Justin Norman, Clint Brown, Teela Brown, Mack Hamilton, Becky Jeans, Cindy Jeans, William Jeans, Carrie Rickles, Allison Ogle

Jr. Superintendents
Tinley Norman, Aidan Young, Emma Young

All Superintendents need to assist with Attendant Duties.

Forms may be picked up at the Lincoln County Extension Office or accessed online on the Competitions Page.

Rules & Regulations of This Department

1. Produce exhibited in this department must be of the current year's crop or produced since the last fair, and it must be produced by the exhibitor. Illegal entries may be discarded. 

2. Entries will be accepted at the following times:
  • Entries must be in the door by 12:00 noon on Saturday to be accepted. 
  • Friday, prior to Fair Opening 1:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M.
  • Saturday, Opening Day of Fair 8:00 A.M. - Noon


4. Building will be open first Saturday of Fair after judging is completed until 9:00 P.M.
Building will be open first Saturday of Fair 1:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M. and Monday thru Saturday, 10:00 A.M. to 9:00 P.M., except day of judging.

5. No premium will be paid other than those classes listed in the catalog, but we welcome the exhibit of other things that would be of general interest to the fair.

6. No Early Removals. Exhibits may be removed on Sunday, following the fair, between the hours of 1:00 P.M. and 2:30 P.M. All exhibits remaining after 2:30 P.M. become property of the Fair.

7. Perishable items entered must be fresh and free of blemishes. Entries should be clean, trim and as uniform as possible. This is important as exhibits must remain presentable for a week. Deteriorated entries may be discarded.

8. Items entered in the wrong class will not be judged. Please ask for help if you are unsure of the correct class.

9. All Premiums are $6 for 1st, $4 for 2nd and $2 for 3rd unless otherwise stated.

10. Vegetables will be judged on quality (uniform in size, fresh, firm, and undamaged; free of disease and insects). If only one entry in class, it will not automatically win first place. Prizes will be awarded on the decision of the judge. 


Field Crops
Best of Agriculture Exhibit, Best of Field Crops $20 

Section 1

1. Largest Ear, any variety - 1 ear
    ($12, $8 and $4 Premiums)
2. White Corn - 5 ears
3. Yellow Corn - 5 ears
4. Indian Corn (multi-color) - 5 ears
5. Colored Corn (solid color) - 5 ears
    (Not Indian Corn)
6. White Corn - 3 stalks
7. Yellow Corn - 3 stalks
8. Popcorn, standard - 5 ears
9. Popcorn, colored - 5 ears

Section 2
Cotton (One Stalk)

1. WideStrike 3/Enlist
2. Bollgard 2/XtendFlex
3. Bollgard3/XtendFlex
4. Other Variety

Section 3
Tobacco (One Stalk)

1. Any Variety

Section 4
Forage and Straw

Hay entries will be judged on physical aspects of the hay. Physical aspects will include leafiness, maturity, odor, color, cleanness, and texture.
Round Bale entries will be displayed in a large mesh bag which can be picked up at the UT Lincoln County Extension Office at 208 Davidson Street E, Fayetteville TN. Use the reach and grab method to collect a sample for classes 8 through 14. Square bale entries must be one block from a square bale.

1. Orchardgrass -Square Bale
2. Legumes other than Clover- (alfalfa/lespedeza) – Square Bale
3. Cool Season perennial grass (tall fescue, etc.) – Square Bale
4. Warm Season perennial grass (Bermudagrass, native grass, etc) – Square Bale
5. Cool Season annual grass (wheat, oats, etc.) – Square Bale
6. Warm Season annual grass (sorghum, sudan, teff, crabgrass) – Square Bale
7. Mixed grass and/or legume combination – Square Bale
8. Orchardgrass – Round Bale
9. Legumes other than clover (alfalfa/lespedeza) – Round Bale
10. Cool Season perennial grass (tall fescue, etc.) – Round Bale
11. Warm Season perennial grass (Bermudagrass, native grass, etc.) – Round Bale
12. Cool Season annual grass (wheat, oats, etc.) - Round Bale
13. Warm Season annual grass (sorghum, sudan, teff, crabgrass) – Round Bale
14. Mixed grass and/or legume combination. – Round Bale

Section 5
Miscellaneous Seed and Feed Crops

1. Fescue Seed - 1 qt. fruit jar
2. Grain Sorghum Seed - 1 qt. fruit jar
3. Sweet Sorghum - 3 stalks
4. Soybean, seed - 1 qt. fruit jar
5. Wheat, seed - 1 qt. fruit jar
6. Grain Sorghum, - 3 stalks
7. Soybeans, early variety - 3 stalks
8. Soybeans, medium variety - 3 stalks
9. Soybeans, late variety - 3 stalks
10. Sunflower, Any Variety, Small
11. Sunflower, Largest ($12, $8 and $4 Premiums)

Section 6
LC Fair Best of Show, Vegetables $10

1. Beans, Bunch - 6 pods
2. Beans, Pole String - 6 pods
3. Beans, any other string - 6 pods
4. Beans, October - 6 pods
5. Beans, Green Lima - 6 pods
6. Butterbeans - 6 pods
7. Beans, any other - 6 pods
8. Beets, plate of 5, tops required
9. Cantaloupe, any variety
10. Largest Cantaloupe, by weight
11. Carrots - plate of 5, tops required

12. Corn, White Sweet - 3 ears
13. Corn, Yellow/Golden Sweet - 3 ears
14. Cucumbers, Pickling size - plate of 3
15. Cucumbers, any other variety - plate of 3
16. Largest Cucumber, by weight

17. Cushaw
18. Egg Plant, Black Beauty - plate of 2
19. Eggplant, Small - plate of 2
20. Eggplant, Any Other Variety - plate of 2
21. Okra, Green, Short Pod (under 3”) - 6 pods
22. Okra, Green, Long Pod (over 3”) - 6 pods
23. Okra, Red - 6 pods
24. Okra, White - 6 pods
25. Onions, Red - plate of 1, tops required 3
26. Onions, White - plate of 1, tops required 3
27. Onions, Yellow - plate of 1, tops required 3
28. Largest Onion by weight, any variety, with root attached

29. Peanuts - 1 stalk
30. Peas - any other variety 6 pods
31. Peas, Purple Hull - 6 pods
32. Peas, Crowder - 6 pods
33. Peppers, Bouquet - plate of 6
34. Peppers, Pimento - plate of 6
35. Peppers, Hot Red - plate of 6
36. Peppers, Hot Green - plate of 6
37. Peppers, Sweet Bell - plate of 6
38. Largest Bell Pepper, by weight

39. Peppers, Sweet Banana - plate of 6
40. Peppers, Hot Banana - plate of 6
41. Peppers, Jalapeno - plate of 6
42. Peppers, Habanero - plate of 6
43. Peppers, any other - plate of 6
44. Potatoes, Red Irish - 1/2 peck
45. Potatoes, White Irish - 1/2 peck
46. Largest Potato Irish by weight  ($12, $8 and $4 Premiums)

47. Pumpkin, Halloween
48. Pumpkin, Pie
49. Pumpkin, Field
50. Pumpkin, White
51. Pumpkin, Miniature Yellow - plate of 3
52. Pumpkin, Miniature White - plate of 3
53. Pumpkin, Any Other Variety
54. Largest Pumpkin, any variety, by weight
       ($12, $8 and $4 Premiums);
       County Mayor Bill Newman Award--Trophy and $50

55. Squash, Yellow - plate of 2, 
56. Squash, Zucchini - plate of 2
57. Squash, Any Other - plate of 2
58. Squash, Winter, other - plate of 2
59. Squash, Summer - plate of 2, crook
60. Squash, Turban
61. Squash, Italian
62. Squash, Spaghetti
63. Largest Squash, by weight

64. Sweet Potatoes, Beauregard - 1/2 peck
65. Sweet Potatoes, 12
66. Largest Sweet Potato, Any Variety, by weight,
       ($12, $8 and $4 Premiums)
67. Turnips - plate of 5, tops required.
68. Tomatoes, Red - plate of 5
69. Tomatoes, Yellow - plate of 5
70. Tomatoes, Roma - plate of 5
71. Tomatoes, Pink - plate of 5
72. Tomatoes, Red Cherry - min of 5, must be on cluster
73. Tomatoes, Red Salad - plate of 5
74. Tomatoes, Grape - must be on cluster
75. Tomatoes, Yellow Salad - plate of 5
76. Any other Tomatoes - plate of 5
77. Largest Tomato, Any Variety - no leaks, by weight
       ($12, $8 and $4 Premiums)
78. Watermelon, Moon and Star
79. Watermelon, Jubilee
80. Watermelon, Sugar Baby
81. Watermelon, Crimson Sweet
82. Watermelon, Charleston Gray
83. Watermelon, Black Diamond/Florida Giant
84. Watermelon, Sangria
85. Watermelon, Yellow
86. Largest Watermelon, Any Variety, by weight
       ($12, $8, and $4 Premiums)
       County Mayor, Bill Newman Award -- Trophy & $50
87. Mushrooms, any variety
88. Ugliest Vegetable

Section 7
LC Fair Best of Show, Fruits $20 & Plaque

1. Apples, Golden Delicious – plate of 3
2. Apples, Jonathan - plate of 3
3. Apples, Red Delicious - plate of 3
4. Apples, Rome Beauty - plate of 3
5. Apples, Stayman Winesap - plate of 3
6. Apples, Granny Smith - plate of 3
7. Apples, Any Other Variety - plate of 3
8. Largest Apple
9. Pears, Fall (Russet Skin, Hard) - plate of 3
10. Pears, Any Other Variety - plate of 3
11. Largest Pear
12. Grapes, Black – plate
13. Grapes, White – plate
14. Grapes, Red – plate
15. Muscadine, Black – plate
16. Muscadine, Bronze – plate
17. Muscadine, Other – plate

Section 8
Home Products
LC Fair Best of Show, Home Products(Section 8 only) $10 

1. Beef Jerky, 1 quart - (quart jar)
2. Venison Jerky, 1 quart - (quart jar)
3. Beans, Dried Lima, White - (quart jar)
4. Eggs, Brown - 1 dozen
5. Eggs, White - 1 dozen
6. Eggs, Other - 1 dozen
7. Eggs, Small - 1 dozen
8. Fruit, Dried - quart jar
9. Cured Meat
10. Sorghum Molasses
11. Vegetable, Dried
12. Herb, Dried
13. Largest Egg
14. Smallest Egg
15. Gourds, Non-Decorated, Birdhouse
16. Gourds, Non-Decorated, Short Neck
17. Gourds, Non-Decorated, Long Neck
18. Gourds, Non-Decorated, Ornamental
19. Gourds, Non-Decorated, Other
20. Largest Gourd, Non-Decorated ($12, $8, and $4 premiums) (*Also Eligible for State*)
21. Smallest Gourd, Non-Decorated ($12, $8, and $4 premiums)
22. Homemade Soap
23. Goat's Milk Soap
24. Any byproducts from goats
25. Maple Syrup, Light Amber
26. Maple Syrup, Medium Amber
27. Maple Syrup, Dark Amber
28. Maple Sugar Candy  (2 pieces)

Section 9
Garden Section

1. Home Garden Display
   (Premiums $20, $16 and $12)
2. Basket Size Display - combination of 10 vegetables and/or fruits  (Premiums $12, $8, and $4)

Please minimize non-edibles. Exhibit may not occupy over nine (9) square feet. Garden Products in this display cannot compete for other prizes

Score for Garden display: Quality: 50 Points; Variety: 40 Points; Arrangements: 10 Points. Only Fruits and Vegetables will be judged.

Section 10
Decorative Gourds
Lincoln County Best of Show, Decorative Gourds (Section 10) $10

1. Gorgeous Gourd Contest, Large (over 8 inches tall), (1 gourd only), ($14, $12 and $10 Premiums) (*Also Eligible for State*)
2. Gorgeous Gourd Contest, Small (under 8 inches tall), (1 gourd only), ($14, $12 and $10 Premiums)
3. Gourds, with Weaving or Coiling
4. Gourds, with Wood Burning
5. Gourds, Carved, Cut, Chiseled, or Gouged
6. Gourd Display (not more than 6)
7. Luffa
6. Gourds, Non-Decorated, Birdhouse
7. Gourds, Non-Decorated, Short Neck
8. Gourds, Non-Decorated, Long Neck
9. Gourds, Non-Decorated, Ornamental
10. Largest Gourd, Non-Decorated ($12, $8 and $4 Premiums) (*Also Eligible for State*)
11. Smallest Gourd, Non-Decorated ($12, $8 and $4 Premiums)
12. Gourds, Non-Decorated, Other

Section 11
Bees and Honey
Lincoln County Best of Show, Bees & Honey $10
Only one entry per person in each class. Entries for Extracted Honey and Honey Comb with be judged ONLY in standard 1lb honey jars. All other jars will be disqualified.  The only exception is creamed honey, where the jar is the entrant's choice. No identification allowed on entries. Entry acceptability is at judge's discretion. The judge's decision is final. Entrants are responsible for placement of honey grade. All honey and beeswax must be produced by the exhibitor. 

Extracted Honey
1. Extra Light Amber
2. Light Amber
3. Amber
4. Dark Amber
5. Dark

Comb Honey
. Extra Light Amber
7. Light Amber
8. Amber
9. Dark Amber
10. Dark

Bulk Honey 
(Frames must be placed in a sanitary bee-proof display case)
11. Frame, Light
12. Frame, Dark
13. Round or Square Section


Plain Molded Wax - small ( under 1 lb)
15. Plain Molded Wax - large ( 1lb or more)
16. Fancy Molded Wax - small ( under 1 lb)
17. Fancy Molded Wax - large ( 1 lb or more)
18. Molded Candles
19. Rolled Candles
20. Hand Dipped Candles
21. Any other handcraft using only beeswax ( sculpting, molding, etc)

Prepared Honey Products
22. Creamed Honey
23. Soap

Beekeeping Photography
Close up Print - Subject must be related to beekeeping
25. Scenic Print - Apiary subject, such as flowers, hives, etc.
26. Portrait Print - A person or beekeeping procedure in an appropriate setting.

Section 12
All wine entries must be presented in clear wine bottles. No screw tops allowed. Must have new cork. One entry per person in each class. No labels or markings on bottles will be allowed. All entries must be non-commercial and be produced from last year’s fruit crop.
Entries will be accepted at UT Lincoln County Extension Office at 208 Davidson Street E, Fayetteville, TN 37334 at the following times: Friday prior to fair opening 1:00 PM - 7:00 PM or Saturday, opening day of fair 8:00 AM - Noon. Entries must be in the door prior to 12 Noon to be accepted.
Wine will be judged at the UT Extension Office and transported to the Lincoln County Fair Agriculture/4-H Building. Wine entries will be available for pickup at the Exhibit Building on Sunday following the Fair between the hours of 1:00 P.M and 2:30 P.M.
Lincoln County Best of Show, Wine (Sweet) $10 and Rosette Lincoln County Best of Show, Wine (Dry) $10 and Rosette

1. Grape Red Dry
2. Grape Red Sweet
3. Grape White Dry
4. Grape White Sweet
5. Rose Sweet
6. Rose Dry
7. Blackberry Sweet
8. Blackberry Dry
9. Elderberry Sweet
10. Elderberry Dry
11. Muscadine Red Sweet
12. Muscadine Red Dry
13. Muscadine White Sweet
14. Muscadine White Dry
15. Fruit Sweet
16. Fruit Dry
17. Mead Wine
18. Mild Wine
19. . Other Sweet, (Source must be written on tag for
      entries in class other than Classes 1-18)

20.. Other Dry, (Source must be written on tag for entries
      in class other than Classes 1-18)

Section 13
Maple Syrup and Products
Syrup must be in standard one quart glass jar.

1. Maple Syrup, Light Amber
2. Maple Syrup, Medium Amber
3. Maple Syrup, Dark Amber
4. Maple Sugar Candy (2 pieces)