Lincoln County Fair
Scholarship Winner

Picture of corbin

Corbin Layne Parker,
2024 Scholarship Winner

I plan to attend The University of Tennessee at Martin and study veterinary science. After graduating from UT Martin with a bachelor’s degree I plan to finish up at the University of Tennessee Knoxville and get my doctorate in Veterinary Science. I would then like to come back home to Lincoln County and work at one of the local vet offices and eventually open my own practice. I am excited for what the future holds and thankful to be chosen for this scholarship.

Favorite Memory from the Fair
To be honest, I love going to the fair to see the harness races and the other events that are planned by the hard-working members of the fair board. However, while most kids my age would say the rides or environment of the fair is their favorite part, I would have to strongly disagree. I enjoy the events far more than the rides and smells that give me motion sickness and headaches. But even with a slight headache and a woozy stomach, I can always go sit in the country store and have friendly conversation and laughs with Mrs. Dixie and that is my favorite memory of the fair and what I look forward to every year.
~ Corbin Parker